About terptree

Creating world class deaf employee 

and customer experiences

terptree logo

Our vision is to change the world for deaf people. 
We have a mission that by 2025 we will have positively impacted 1 million deaf people’s lives. 

We do this by revamping the everyday deaf employee and deaf customer experience provided 

by the biggest UK and global brands.

As a multi award winning business, terptree is full of deeply passionate people who care about creating 

social change, and truly educating and empowering deaf and hearing people.

Our services

Interpreting and Translation

Training and Education

Deaf Customer Experience (DCX)

Deaf Employee Experience (DEX)

Deaf Student Experience (University)

We are proud to work with…


Phone: 01635 886 264
terptree ltd registered in England
and Wales
No: 05941442 Registered office:
483 Green Lanes
N13 4BS
VAT: 903 8868 95

terptree values

All rights reserved ©terptree 2022